Ecoverse Indonesia Lestari


1. NEWSLETTER ECOVERSE “Tanggung Jawab Perusahaan terhadap Polusi Air didiskusikan di World Water Forum di Bali” (Download)

2. Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup Dan Kehutanan Republik Indonesia Nomor P.29/Menlhk/Setjen/Plb.3/12/2020 Tentang Pengelolaan Polychlorinated Biphenyls (Download)

3. Cross Contamintion PCB Melalui Aktifitas Filtrasi & Purifikasi Trafo – Bapak Djunaidi Chaidir (Download)

4. SOP Pencegahan Kontaminasi (Download)

5. PCB Case Study KJB – Prof. Kim (Download)

6. Tren Analysis on PCB Contamination – Bapak Rio Deswandi (Download)

7. SOP Pencegahan Kontaminasi 2 (Download)

8. PCBs Phase Out in Indonesia – Bapak Syarif Hidayat (Download)

9. Basel Manual PCB – ESM (Download)

10. Kebijakan Eliminasi dan Penghapusan Penggunaan PCBs (Download)

11. Regulatory Challenges in The Phasing Out of PoPs (Download)

12. Regulatory Challenges in The Phasing Out of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Indonesia – Paper (Download)

13. PCBs Inventory Report (Download)

14. PCBs Management Plan (Download)

15. PCBs Statistic Data Report (Download)

16. PCBs Official Guidance (Download)

17. Ministerial Regulation on PCBs Management_Bahasa Indonesia (Download)

18. Economy Iinstrument & Intensive Scheme on PCBs Management (Download)

19. CEO Endorsement 130249 (gef project document) (Download)

20. Midel 7131 Product Brochure (Download)

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